Monthly Archives

January 2020

    VA BBQ Restaurants

    Bluegrass BBQ, Pembroke, VA

    January 23, 2020

    I discovered Bluegrass BBQ in Pembroke, VA while searching on line for a new spot to check out. They are located on Highway 460 about 20 – 30 minutes west of Virginia Tech. I planned this for our supper stop while traveling to West Virginia to visit with family for Christmas. The reviews looked pretty good so I set our travel plans accordingly to be there at the right time. So Pembroke is a small town west of Blacksburg and…

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  • The Classic Grill
    VA BBQ Restaurants

    Classic Grill, Blackstone, VA

    Today we decided to visit The Classic Grill in Blackstone, VA. This was a unique visit since we go to an antique mall there periodically. We ate here once before but paid no attention…

    January 10, 2020